This is pretty much a place to share my rantings and thoughts about the things I experience.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Well, capoeira is officially going to kick my butt...I'm pretty sure that going up stairs tomorrow is not going to be a very amusing task (and lucky me I have two go up two flights of stairs for two of my classes and up one to get to my apartment). Nonetheless, I love it! A lot! And I will love it even more when my muscles get used to it. The class is in a really small studio and there are probably about 30 of us, so it's crowded, especially when we are doing kicks and cartwheels and stuff, but oh well. Part of the game is to learn awareness, so I guess that will put us well on our way. It's also kind of a social dance, which makes it a good way to start to make friends. :-)

Also, I borrowed all 7 of the MC Solaar CDs that one of my friends has. YES!!!!

That's all for now!



Gaby said...

i would just like to say that you are being awesome about updates. and that i love you forever

Long Lost Uncle said...

I haven't read all your updates...
(I will). Just wanted to say Hi! Talked to your dad & he needs your address & Phone #.... I told him I would let you know.
Uncle Tom