This is pretty much a place to share my rantings and thoughts about the things I experience.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Today was the first nice, sunshiny day in a while, and all of Lyon was outside walking around, riding bikes, chasing pigeons, and, of course, making out wherever they pleased :-P Katie and I wandered the artisans market and then hung out at the fountain in Place des Terreaux eating ice cream and watching kids play soccer and chase pigeons. It was SO nice! And it made me SO happy! And now I really want to go to sleep, but I just felt like sharing that today was wonderful.

Also, it's almost exactly 4 days til my plane lands in ABQ, which is also wonderful.

1 comment:

mschanterelle said...

You guys are so cute, hehe.

Tu me manques!!

Your trip around northern Europe/in Scotland sounds amazing, even with Copenhagen being crazy expensive.

Have a safe flight home! We'll be in the same country again, hehe.