This is pretty much a place to share my rantings and thoughts about the things I experience.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

NOT fair...

NOW I get the flu? Seriously, what the hell? I worked so hard at fighting it off before I went home, when I was surrounded by sickies, and now, when everyone else is better, I get the Friday and yesterday I was thinking I was just still jet-lagged and sore from capoeira, but then yesterday I started feeling snuffly and then I realized that, even after my first day of capoeira, I wasn't sore all over, just sore in certain areas. But this sore was sore all over...and then last night I couldn't sleep because I couldn't breathe and then today I stayed in bed all day feeling crappy and watching episodes of Phsych online. And now I feel horribly unproductive and still tired.

Sorry, I'm feeling just a little bit negative about things right now. I'm sure it will get better when I can move without pain and go outside and enjoy the sunshine (it was SO beautiful out today!). And if I ever get back into the rhythm of school, which I'm still having troubles with.

Anyway, think healthy thoughts for me! :-P



Gaby said...

feel better love!

mschanterelle said...

Oh no!!
Feel better soon!