This is pretty much a place to share my rantings and thoughts about the things I experience.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Epic Fail

I have not done homework all week.  I don't technically have anything due, but I do have 3 big project/papers due in the next few weeks, an online class that I'm behind in, and 3 midterms next week.  AHH.  I think we should get time off for Halloween.  I feel like it's the holiday season and I should be celebrating, not doing homework.  And something about the weather turning all gloomy makes me want to cuddle up and read.  And I'm getting sick.  And one of my roommates just lent me "A Year in the Merde" and the other two "Merde" books, and all I want to do is read them, even though they make me kind of homesick for France.  Basically, I have a million things to do that are infinitely better than school.

Also, I want to go home for GOTV/E-Day because I don't feel all that invested in Oregon politics, plus E-Day is not as exciting as it is back home because everyone mails in their ballots.  I'm feeling very disconnected from the whole thing...I'm still really excited, but it's different for some reason.  I think I'm just using it as an outlet for my homesickness...if that makes any sense at all...

Um, there was something I was thinking about this morning that I really wanted to write about, but I can't for the life of me remember what...oh well...I have to go try to salvage pumpkins pretty soon anyway.  We are carving them tonight and I'm EXCITED!  I haven't carved pumpkins in ages, and one of the girls from Lyon who is studying here this year is coming and seems pretty excited.  And Sarah and I are going to try to make pumpkin pie.  YAY!


1 comment:

Gaby said...

i just finished reading the first 2 merde books and they are HI-LARIOUS
i miss you...and i obviously count you as family.
Someone brought up taco bell today and it made me miss taco bell trips with you. gahhhhhhh. big party when i get home. aka...eating lots of really unhealthy food. like taco bell. and frontier. and anything non-bland.