This is pretty much a place to share my rantings and thoughts about the things I experience.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I have seriously thought of about amillion things I wanted to blog about today, but I was busy pretty much all day. And then, after dinner, when I had planned on writing (about a whole new subject from all the ones I had come up with during the day), Florence invited me to watch a movie with her. Slash she wanted to use my computer to watch it cuz apparantly the DVD player is brokeded. Anyway, long story short, it's now almost 1 am, so I'm going to bed and I hope that I can retain all my thoughts from the day for tomorrow. Or at least the important ones.

But, before sleepy-time, I did want to share something quick that the movie made me think of (we watched a documentary on Salvador Allende, btw, in case you were wondering). Since being here, I've watched a number of movies in Spanish with French subtitles, and I have to say my brain is always totally overwhelmed by them. I know enough Spanish that part of my brain tries to concentrate on understanding what I hear, but at the same time I have to read the subtitles to fill in the gaps, and the subtitles are in French, so I really have to read them and think about what I am seeing. It's an intense mental workout, let me tell you.

Anyway, that being said, I am going to bed because my brain is very much over all the mental strain.

Bonne nuit!

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