This is pretty much a place to share my rantings and thoughts about the things I experience.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Wow.  It is COLD here.  Really, really cold.  Even in my room, which has a heater...I am in two long sleeve shirts and STILL I am freezing.  Or maybe I'm just still freezing for standing outside for like two and a half hours watching a soccer game in which no points were scored.  Not one.  And they just left it like overtime...nothing.  Two and a half hours and I froze to death and I don't even get to celebrate winning OR be sad that we lost.  Now that is what I call anticlimactic.  For serious.  And now I don't even want to go out because it's too cold.  Even though it's a Saturday night and the last weekend that a bunch of my friends are going to be in town...the very thought of going anywhere near outside makes me want to crawl under the covers and never come out again.  I've decided I'm very pro the whole hibernation concept.  I mean, bears do it...why not me too?

1 comment:

Gaby said...
oh goooooooood
also, i'm all for hibernating :)