This is pretty much a place to share my rantings and thoughts about the things I experience.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Holy shit

I apologize for the vulgarity but that's what comes to mind right now.

It's 6:30 am.  I just got home from something I'm still trying to convince myself really happened because it's just too much for reality.  The MC Solaar concert was last night and that in itself is amazing.  I have loved MC Solaar since French I at the Academy when we first listened to "Solaar Pleure".

To add to the amazingness, after the show we were hanging out and saw the guy who had opened for MC Solaar and so we went up and started talking to him in hopes of taking a picture and going on our way.  All of the sudden he was inviting us to the after party and then we were in this VIP area of their hotel drinking cocktails and then I was in a cab with my friend and MC Solaar and then we were at a club dancing until 6 am with his crew.  Seriously.  I do not have words to describe how amazing tonight was.  I just needed to put it out there that that happened before going to bed so that when I wake up I have some proof that I can look at and say, wow, that really happened.

And how I'm going to bed because I have to be at the university in 5 and a half hours to get on a bus and go to Beaujolais with the Centre Oregon.  So good night and OH MY GOD.

Bisous.  All my love.

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