This is pretty much a place to share my rantings and thoughts about the things I experience.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cozy comes in a box

I am quite a happy camper right now.  Yesterday, I got a package from my mom containing lots of love and amazingness.  I probably could have waited until Christmas to open it, but I was too excited, and because she had told me it was cozy stuff, which I definitely need lately because it is COLD.  Everything in this box was perfect (so thank you mamacita!!!) and I now have a new, cute, cozy long sleeve hoodie to keep me warm; a cuddly stuffed animal, which is nice because, if you know me, you know that I love stuffed animals; amazing coffee; emergen-c, a necessity in winter, especially when you work with kiddos; incense, and now my room smells like New Mexico and Christmas; yummy smelling soap; a really good CD, which I am listening to right now; a hilarious book about bananas and their evil plans, hehe; and part of my Christmas present for my host brother.  YES!  Best box EVER.  And it didn't get lost like the last one (which is still wandering around postal land somewhere...sad), so that is a definite plus.

Also, I rocked my portuguese test last week, and almost all of my exams are done, and the only class I have to attend between now and Feb 4 is portuguese because I'm pretty much DONE with this semester.  The only stress left is the 10-15 page paper I have to write for constitutional law...ugh.  But I have some time to procrastinate on that one for a while, so that's a good thing.

And now that I have a slightly crooked but beautifully decorated drawing of a Christmas tree hanging in my room, I feel like I can be in the holiday spirit.  As usual, I still have a couple presents to buy, but I'm honestly glad not to be doing the crazy stressful Christmas presents thing this year.  I'm only getting presents for my host family and my roommate, which is pretty much taken care of.  I love the whole presents under the tree, excitement of Christmas morning thing, but at the same time, it's nice to have a chill out kind of Christmas.  Especially because I know I'm gonna be really homesick on Christmas, and this way my friend and I can just kind of chill at home and drink warm drinks and eat cookies and miss home together.  And then go out and explore Lyon some if it's not too cold out.

Well...I am going to a soccer game tonight, and I need to get ready and straighten up my room a little so that there's room for my friend to sleep on the floor if she decides to stay the night after the game.  


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