A number of my friends have been doing this on facebook, and I found it intriguing. I guess probably most of the people who read this blog regularly have facebook, but I feel like this blog was a more permanent way to post this list. And it gives me the opportunity to expand it, and maybe come back and use some of them as inspiration for future bloggy introspections.
2. I'm starting to regret ditching Spanish after 7th grade (même si je ne peux pas imaginer ma vie sans français)
3. I have a really strong need to do things for the people I care about, and I often forget to take care of myself.
4. A year ago I lost one of the most influential people in my life, but I still have a hard time convincing myself that that loss was real.
5. I'm really afraid of not living up to my own expectations and those of the people around me, and sometimes I feel like the bar is set SO high, but the thought of trying to lower it is too much like giving up.
5. I am a huge grammar and spelling Nazi. Finding stupid errors in peoples' writing is one of the most annoying things EVER. But the only person I will accept editing or criticism about my own grammar from is my mother.
6. I plan and make lists because doing so gives me a sense of control over my life that I can't give up.
7. I really want to travel and go on adventures, but the thought of doing those things spontaneously is horrifying to me.
8. Dancing makes me really happy. It's incredibly therapeutic and probably my biggest turn-on. I especially love just letting go of myself at a concert or a club.
9. I wish that music just radiated from my body so that it would always be there.
10. Hearing my sister's voice on the phone makes me feel warm inside.
11. I feel like an outsider everywhere I go, and that makes me kind of hate who I am--the color of my skin, my heritage, where I come from, what I've done in my life, etc.
12. My two favorite views are the Sandias at sunset and just after sunrise, and looking up the Rhône from Pont Gallieni in the evening or at night. They make me feel at home.
13. I'm a huge over-achiever and teacher's pet. Doing well in school is one of the things that I feel gives me worth.
14. My parent's wouldn't agree with this, but I'm really obsessive about cleaning things. But only if I know I can get my space to an acceptable state of cleanliness.
15. I feel like a huge hypocrite about these because they're really bad for the environment, but I LOVE driving my car just for the sake of driving it, and just standing under a hot shower.
16. I always need something to do--I fill my life up with school, work, meetings, and other activities because I don't like to have too much time to myself. I'm scared both of feeling like I'm wasting time and of being left too long to my own thoughts.
Also, I've decided to add a couple more...
17. I can't seem to stay in one place, which is exciting at times, but it really messes up my prospects for love and romance, and it impedes on my friendships. I feel like I'm constantly having to say goodbye.
18. My friends are some of the most amazing people ever.
19. I get really frustrated because my relationships are really spread out across both geographical and social space, and it's probably impossible to have all the people I care about together at once.
20. I have a really strange memory. I remember faces and places and stories really well, but as soon as I finish a test, paper, or presentation, I forget everything. This is true of books and movies as well. I have to reread even my favorite books regularly or I forget what happens in them.
21. I can't use drunkenness as an excuse for most of the silly things I do when I'm drunk, because I'm usually cognizant that they are out of the norm for me, and even kind of stupid...I just don't care.
22. I can't imagine myself really becoming an adult or growing old. I don't plan my wedding, I can't imagine myself pregnant, I can't see myself with grey hair and a cane. Even though I know that I will probably have arthritis and a messed up body from figure skating, I can't imagine ever not being able to dance. Sometimes I feel like my future doesn't exist.
23. I don't actually like to share my feelings with people, but I love to listen to theirs. Still, I sometimes feel really selfish when people only talk about themselves and I can't talk about me.
Ok, that's enough for now. I think I like this exercise because I love listing things. It's a nice way of giving some organization to my random trains of thought.