This is pretty much a place to share my rantings and thoughts about the things I experience.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Wow.  The last few days have been WHIRLWIND for me, so here's a little recap...

Christmas eve was a great success.  We went to mass which was a little bit more family oriented than your average Christmas Eve mass, although a fair number of kids were still getting pretty restless about halfway through.  After mass, we had a little pre-dinner apertif and snackies, until Florence's sister showed up, and then we started dinner, which was really light, but really yummy.  Apparently, when Florence was growing up, they really didn't do much in the way of a special dinner on Christmas Eve, but Lionel's family always had a big blowout kind of dinner, so they have reached a sort of compromise between the two.  To start off, we had eggnog à la Terra and Dia, taiwanese salad à la Wei-Ching, this creamy avocado thing à la Lionel, and shrimp.  Then we had smoked salmon and, for the very french (I haven't gotten this french yet), foie gras.  Dessert was a bûche de Noël, which is a (generally chocolate) cake in the shape of a log that is a necessity at Noël in France.  We also had biscochitos à la New Mexico, snow cake à la Taiwan, and lemon tart that Florence's sister is apparently quite famous for.  Delicious and highly multicultural little dinner.  

Dinner/chatting/drinking wine lasted until about 12:30, at which point, everyone put their little shoes and/or slippers under the tree and went to bed.  I, being the little kid that I am at heart, was awake at 7am ready to go enjoy the fabulousness that is presents on Christmas morning.  I made myself stay in bed until I heard the real kids get up and start being awake and whatnot before joining in the festivities.  I haven't really done Christmas morning with a little kids in quite a while, and I was amazed at how giddy they get.  Christmas here is much more low-key in terms of presents than some of the Christmases I celebrated in my childhood, but Mathias was really just having a blast with everything.  I even got him to sit down and do the Cars puzzles that I got him with me.  In terms of presents, I got a couple little things, which was nice because I really don't need anymore stuff...especially after seeing the luggage that Dia hauled out of my apartment this morning, but more on that in a minute.  Florence got me a red and green scarf (which is less christmasy than it sounds), Wei-Ching got me a bracelet, the gave me and Wei-Ching matching mugs, and Dia gave me this funky thing to hang pictures in my room.  Now I need to print out more pictures!  Woo.

Anyway, the rest of Christmas day consisted of watching xmas movies with Dia, making pancakes, and then having dinner with a bunch of the other Oregon students who weren't traveling for the break.  I was really glad to do that.  I've kind of fallen out of touch with a lot of Oregon people, which is a bummer.  I really just don't have classes with most of them, and so I end up hanging out with the people I do have classes with, because it's easier to make plans and such.  But I really do like the other Oregon people, and it was nice to spend an evening eating yummy food, drinking wine, and chatting away about all kinds of good stuff.  

If you think that was the whirlwind part of my week, I'll have you know the madness is just beginning.  Since Christmas, I took Dia around Lyon and we went on a mission to find cute brown boots, which Dia was more successful at than me, but I was ok with that.  Then, my friend Molly cut my hair and I now have bangs and the rest of my hair is more layery and fun.  It is weird to have bangs, because I haven't had them in ages, but it's kind of fun.  On the way back from Molly's, I found a wonderfully cheap pair of brown boots, and also found the fabric store and bought red fabric for a Prince Charming cape.

Then, Detective Nikky Flippers flew in from New Mexico, and it's been a blast ever since.  Especially because he came bearing presents.  Namely, FRONTIER TORTILLAS!!!! (which I threatened to leave him at the airport if he forgot).  But also lots of gum, red chile, black beans, and Buffet's piñon candy, which I wanted to share with my host familia, who are all quite fond of piñon.  He also brought tons of pink satiny fabric, a blonde wig, and a tiara to turn me into princess Aurora.  YES!!!!

Anyway, he, Dia, and I squished into my little bedroom and hung out and watched movies.  And this morning, Dia unpacked and repacked her luggage, which was quite an adventure, and then we saw her off at the train station.  From there, Flipper's and I took the metro to Hôtel de Ville and did the tour of the shopping district of Lyon.  We were mostly in search of stuff for the Sleeping Beauty/Prince Charming costumes, but all we really ended up getting for that was some eye shadow.  We also came home with a blow dryer for me (because I hadn't bough one yet as I never blow-dry my hair, but now that I have bangs, I actually have to put a little effort into doing my hair...ugh), a shirt and a rhinestone-encrusted bowtie for Flippers, and a wonderful pair of green boots for me, which are pretty much exactly what I've been wanting, and only cost 15 euro, so probably the best buy ever.  Oh, and we also bought a comb and hair cutting scissors because Flippers decided that he trusted me to play with/cut his hair, which I just finished.  It was fun!  

Anyway, that's the update on life in Lyon lately.  I feel like things have been SO crazy and I can't believe it's almost new years and then before I know it, Flippers will be leaving (sad) and I will be finishing up the last of my classes, and then traveling (hopefully...there may be a small snag in my and then starting new classes and then in less than 2 months, I will be home for a week!  Seriously, I feel like I've been counting my life in relation to that trip home because I need it so badly.  No matter that the trip will go by incredibly fast and then I'll be back here and back to work and school and life.  I feel like I can't even think about anything after that at this point because that's like this light at the end of the tunnel.  Not that anything is wrong or bad or anything.  Things are great, and I'm clearly keeping busy and having a good time, but I need some family/friends/New Mexico therapy that I just can't get anywhere else.

Wow.  Gotta stop now cuz Flippers and I were thinking about going out tonight and it's already almost nine and he's all ready and has fallen asleep and I'm still in my post-shower/hair cutting PJs and neither of us have eaten dinner.  And watching him sleep is kind of making me think a little power nap might be nice before hitting the dance floor.  Hmm...I guess maybe it's a good thing things don't really get hopping here until at least 11...

And, I'm off!  Biz.


Gaby said...

i'm watching the ducks play football right now. which reminds me of you. happy new year!!!

mschanterelle said...

1) We need pictures of your haircut!
2) So did you go out after your powernap? Haha, 'cause I totally wouldn't.